Learn the secret of Golf...

Clubhead Lag -- the clubhead lagging behind the hands through impact -- is the most important fundamental in the golf swing.

All PGA Tour players use Lag to compress the ball while poor players don't.


Learn how to FEEL, CREATE and SUSTAIN the lag. Discover the benefits of the Flat Left Wrist, shaft loading and educated hands and cut your scores in half!

Pure Ball Striker Review

Pure Ball Striker reviewA few weeks ago, Jeff Evans the inventor of the Pure Ball Striker training aid sent me a sample for reviewing.
He told me that this little device helps players taking conscience of Lag Pressure feel by focusing on their #3 Pressure Point (the index trigger finger).

This sounded promising and I was happy to give it a try!
Disclaimer: I’m not affiliated to Jeff’s business in any way – he just kindly provided a free sample!

Read the manual!

The PBS comes out of the box with a one page manual explaining how to properly use it.

Jeff employs some specific TGM (The Golfing Machine) terms in his manual such as "Extensor Action" and "Aiming Point" that might scare those unfamiliar with those concepts… but nothing to worry about as your servitor has put this site up to guide you through this jungle!

I may add also that you’ll figure pretty quickly how the device should be used:

It is designed to be placed on the aft side of the grip where your index trigger finger touches the grip.

Notice also that it cannot be tightly fixed – for a good reason: you have to keep it in place by keeping a constant pressure in your index finger!

Video review

Have a look at that video and I’ll catch you after the break (by the way, sorry for the windy mic and the French accent, it was an impromptu video!):

Troublesome in “non Lagging” motions

The PBS matches your #3 Pressure Point location and helps focusing on the pressure exerted (or not!) on that spot.

If you’re not familiar with the Lag Pressure Feel, you might find that the PBS is pretty tough to use properly as it will tend to slip away from the grip.

This is normal, it was designed on purpose: It happens only if you lose pressure on it somewhere during the downswing OR if you apply pressure somewhere else than on the aft of the grip.

I’ve tested it on mid-handicappers and to my surprise, they were having a lot of trouble using it. They failed miserably in using the PBS and had a lot of trouble keeping it in place. They were also pretty annoyed by this foreign thing on their grip that was disturbing their feels!!! (lol)

In fact it was a very good clue that something was not working right in their swing’s dynamics.

Be humble and stick with it!

You have to stay humble and accept that the PBS is working as it should if used properly – the PBS is here to tell you the truth and will help you in knowing what is dynamically sound or not in your motion.

The good thing is that if you start feeling comfortable when striking the ball with it, you’ll know that your Lag Pressure is on the right track and so will your game.

More info available on Jeff’s site.

Photo gallery

Click on the images to display the slideshow, and then use the PREVIOUS / NEXT controls to navigate through the images.

The PBS Apply pressure here Drag the wet mop The PBS The PBS The PBS The PBS The PBS The PBS

25 Responses to “Pure Ball Striker Review”

  1. Hi Jeff,

    Alas, those things happen.

    Having injured myself two years ago I know how good it feels to get back and being able to hit that ball again!
    I wish you all the best and a very prompt recovery to experience that feeling as soon as possible.


    • Jeff Evans Jeff Evans says:

      Hey John,

      Thanks for the kind words! It’s going to be a few months before I fully recover. I’m looking forward to getting back at it. I have missed being in the thick of things.


  2. Jeff Evans Jeff Evans says:

    To all the loyal fans and customers of the Pure Ball Striker, I would like to thank you for your patience and understanding over the last several months many changes were taking place. I have injured my neck which requires a multi-level neck fusion scheduled this Friday, June 10th. I should make a full recovery and back teaching soon. To those of you who have placed an order, they will begin shipping today, June 8, 2011. I am sorry for your delay!
    Rest assured that Pure Ball Striker is as strong as ever and will continue to serve you going forward with the same standard of excellence you have come to rely on and expect. Thank you again for your understanding and support!

  3. Anthony Mak Anthony Mak says:

    Thanks William. I will try that.

  4. William William says:

    Anthony – I tried emailing them, it’s a blackhole there right now. If you paid through paypal, you can get your money back through a non-responsive seller compliant.

  5. Anthony Mak Anthony Mak says:

    I am one of the unlucky ones who have been charged but have not received anything. I also tried emailing Jeff but have not received a response.

  6. Cameron Dudley Cameron Dudley says:

    I also tried to buy it just today and when I went to order it did not process

  7. This is weird because I recently saw some activity on Jeff Evans’s Youtube channel, meaning he’s still in business.

    I’ll try to forward your request to him via email to see what’s going on.

    Stay tuned.

  8. William William says:

    I did try their website; when I tried to pay, paypal caused my IE window to freeze and I could not get back to the payment upon startup.

    When I tried contacting them via email, I go no response. After looking through some other forums, it appears that I’m lucky. As many have paid only to receive nothing and have had to get their money back from paypal.

    I found one online training aid store that carries the PBS; however, it’s been out of stock for a long time now.

    The PBS sounds like a great tool; however, it appears the company had some trouble with the scale of production and has now disappeared.

  9. Hi William,

    They have a “Buy Now” link on their website that leads to an online shop where you can buy the Pure Ball Striker.
    Have you tried that ?


  10. William William says:

    Does anyone know how to get one of these? I can’t get a reply on their website and haven’t found anyone else selling them.

  11. Rick Rick says:

    I have had the PBS now for 2 years and my swing has improved dramaticlly. I just orderd another when I realized I had lost the first one I bought. This thing will improve your game

  12. Phil Phil says:


    Great website!

    I have recently received the PBS and tried it out today on the range. First, short game was unbelievable! My chipping and pitching were excellent and I greatly improved my bunker play.

    Second, the long game however wasn’t so good. Short shots (basic and acquired motion) were fine but I was unable to hit full shots with it with any consistency. The PBS didn’t move but it felt to me as if I couldn’t release the club properly i.e. I was unable to generate any clubhead speed. I was also unable to complete my follow through, I was stopping my hands at shoulder height. I hit the ball solidly and the trajectory was lower, but lost a lot of distance. It was especially noticeable with the woods and I was unable to hit the driver at all.

    I usually just relax my arms and let the club swing, but the PBS seems to preventing the proper swinging of the club. Help! I must be doing something wrong.

  13. BernardP BernardP says:

    As promised, TourStriker follow-up:

    I have practiced regularly, but not as often as I would have liked, with my TourStriker club. There is no question that it works. There is also no question that it is hard to consistently hit good shots with it. The difference in feel betwwen a good lagging downward impact and a flippy one is more subtle than I thought.

    Since using the TourStriker, my ball striking has improved. I’m hiiting more good shots, but mostly, I have lost the flipping impact that used to send the ball everywhere on the course.

    At least now, I know what I am trying to do and I can better feel if I am doing it or not. My Index Factor has dropped by 4, but I still remain is double digits.

    Unfortunately, golf season is already winding down in The Great White North. I am looking forward to training with the TourStriker right from the start of the 2011 season.

  14. James James says:

    Just questions about PBS. I chip and swing with it today. It could be different feel for me. I just want to make sure which one is right.
    In the top of backswing, I can feel the PP#3 most, then should I pushing with my right index finger to start downswing(I mean release this pressure from the top of backswing), or I should keep the PP#3 and keep this pressure as long as possible in downswing, just start downswing by pulling my left arm back? in this way, I don’t feel much #PP3 in downswing.

  15. BernardP BernardP says:

    OK, here is a training club specifically designed to teach hitting golf balls with lag and forward shaft lean at impact, all in the true TGM tradition. Its secret is that the sole of the club has been ground off. It’s impossible to hit the ball in the air if you don’t have the proper impact position. The club is called the Tour Striker:


    The infomercial is worth watching, trust me!

    Also, type cmartingolf on Youtube to see other videos featuring the Tour Striker and its inventor, PGA pro Martin Chuck.

    I ordered a Tour Striker Pro 2 weeks ago and just received it today. I will report on my experience with it.

  16. Adam Adam says:

    The PBS has completely changed my game. I have always had a good swing, but poor, fat impacts. Not anymore. What a Godsend…

  17. Rab660 Rab660 says:


    Thanks for the reply. Believe or not, since I submitted that post, I have been actually improving! My PBS is now staying in place and I`m hitting the ball with a fair degree of crispness and accuracy. It`s not brilliant but it is a definite improvement. Silly question, I know, but if I keep at it do you think I will start to feel that incredible lag that people are talking about?



  18. To Rab666

    Have you checked Jeff’s videos on YouTube?

    He recently added some nice footage on how to use his device.

    Your PBS moving along while you swing is a very good clue that you are struggling with Lag pressure…
    The PBS is intended to help and can only work with a STEADY lag pressure (I bet your feeling is a CONVULSIVE throw?!).

    The drawback is that the PBS will only confirm that you have enough Lag Pressure but it won’t show you the way to create some if you don’t have it at all!

    This is not an easy thing to learn, but this is the secret of Golf and this site is entirely devoted to just that!!!

    Take your time, read, experiment and ultimately check your findings with the PBS!

  19. Rab660 Rab660 says:

    Further to post above, the PBS is either sliding off my grip completely and moving round to the front of my grip during my swing. Help!

  20. Rab660 Rab660 says:

    I bought the PBS about a year ago and I still can`t get it. I`m even struggling to chip with it. Can anyone give me advice on how how to use it? Should I persevere with it? Will it definitely improve my game? I`m reading all these success stories and I know I must be doing something wrong.

  21. Ooops sorry, I try to avoid using too much a TGM jargon when not necessary…

    The TGM curriculum advocates to build you motion by practicing “miniature” swings (aka Basic Motion) first. 2 feet back 2 feet through but already with compression and Lag.

    Then you add (“acquire”) more elements to it (more pivot (body) action for example). This is “Acquired Motion”.

    A typical Acquired Motion has a backswing where your left arm doesn’t go past parallel and ends at the both arms straight position (end of the follow-through) with the clubhead still below the hands.

    On the video, I almost did a “Total Motion” hitting stroke.

  22. Jake Jake says:

    I’m not too sure on TGM terms. What does acquired motion mean? Is it something I get from a feeling?


    Thanks the video is working now too! :)

  23. Hi Jake

    Yes it works for both BUT for the swinger you must not go past top in the backswing.

    If you do so, the #3PP will slightly rotate from AFT of the grip to TOP of the grip (a natural phenomenon for the Swinger) and it will no longer be lined up with the PBS’s AFT location at the begining of the Startdown.

    So the PBS is best suited for acquired motion practice and I might add that there is no need to go any further as you are working on a FEEL and not ball performance.

    And the video is back on line! :-)

    Have fun.

  24. Jake Jake says:

    I just orderd one in…

    Will this device work for a hitter and a swinger? I would imagine so.

    Also, where did your video go? :) I would love to watch it.

    Thanks for the review!

Download the eBookLearn the Secret of Golf. Feel, Create & Sustain the Lag

Learn the Secret of Golf. Feel, Create & Sustain the Lag

Play better golf now!

Rejoice GolfLagTips fans! Handcrafted with passion, this 115 pages eBook will teach you how to master the Lag and take your game to the next level.

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Aiming-Point Location Driver to Wedges

Aiming-Point: Too far forward

Aiming-Point: Bad location with the Driver

Aiming-Point: Good location with the Driver

Divot Location demonstrated with a Hitting stroke - Swing Sequence

The eye of the Hitter - 3 - Follow Through

The eye of the Hitter - 1 - Address

The eye of the Hitter - 2 - Startdown