Hi all, it’s been a while since my last post.
Due to my Achilles tendon injury and a mass of considerable professional work I have been taken away from the game and took huge delays in the plans I have for the site.
But the wait is over and we start again with a very popular topic:
There has always been a fight between Hitting and Swinging aficionados: On the paper, these are two mutually exclusive ways to propel a golf club so in theory you have to choose either to Hit or to Swing.
Continuing our series on Hitting vs Swinging, let’s now explore the Swinging Procedure.
In this article I’ll try to cover the leading principles of the Swing and explain what you should feel to reproduce the correct motion.
Whirl something tied to a rope and you generate centrifugal force. That is simple and the very same principle is the essence of the Swinging Procedure.
However, in a Golf Swing you do not swing a rope, but rather a flail where the hinge pin is the left wrist.
Do you know that there is two different ways to move a golf club, each way having its own distinctive action and feels?
To properly understand that, let’s go back to school: Physics tells us that an object can only be moved either by pushing it or pulling it.
In Golf, and more specifically in The Golfing Machine, it is called Swinging (pulling) and Hitting (pushing).
Before going any further, take a closer look at those two swing sequences: