Learn the secret of Golf...

Clubhead Lag -- the clubhead lagging behind the hands through impact -- is the most important fundamental in the golf swing.

All PGA Tour players use Lag to compress the ball while poor players don't.


Learn how to FEEL, CREATE and SUSTAIN the lag. Discover the benefits of the Flat Left Wrist, shaft loading and educated hands and cut your scores in half!

Archive: Power

The 4 Barrel Hit: Swinging AND Hitting

The Four Barrel Hit: Hitting AND SwingingHi all, it’s been a while since my last post.

Due to my Achilles tendon injury and a mass of considerable professional work I have been taken away from the game and took huge delays in the plans I have for the site.

But the wait is over and we start again with a very popular topic:

There has always been a fight between Hitting and Swinging aficionados: On the paper, these are two mutually exclusive ways to propel a golf club so in theory you have to choose either to Hit or to Swing.


Hit down on the golf ball, dammit!

Hit down on the ball!Let’s explore the mechanics of the golf stroke: A vast majority of you have already heard that in order to properly strike the ball you have to hit down on it, but do you exactly know why and how to do that?


Download the eBookLearn the Secret of Golf. Feel, Create & Sustain the Lag

Learn the Secret of Golf. Feel, Create & Sustain the Lag

Play better golf now!

Rejoice GolfLagTips fans! Handcrafted with passion, this 115 pages eBook will teach you how to master the Lag and take your game to the next level.

Download Now



Aiming-Point Location Driver to Wedges

Aiming-Point: Too far forward

Aiming-Point: Bad location with the Driver

Aiming-Point: Good location with the Driver

Divot Location demonstrated with a Hitting stroke - Swing Sequence

The eye of the Hitter - 3 - Follow Through

The eye of the Hitter - 1 - Address

The eye of the Hitter - 2 - Startdown